Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cupcakes and Clothes

I've decided to bring my two all time Favourites together! Cupcakes and Clothes! All last week both the outfit and the recipe were on the top of my TO-DO LIST! The recipe was one i found online the weekend before. Dark chocolate and bacon. These ingredients inspired my outfit this week which infact is a little different to what i normally wear (long skirt or dress rarely fit me).  So how do you wear a dark chocolate and bacon cupcake outfit?

As you can see the dark chocolate cake covered in dark chocolate icing. This is the base, just like the black skirt i'm wearing. Both are dark and bold! (Are you with me?) Then the crispy bacon chunks give the cake that extra pop of favour and excitement,just like my lime green top, the flash of neon adds favour and excitement to my outfit.

 And there we go.. I have read about 3892 times bloggers need to bring something different to the internet and therefore i've mixed fashion with cakes. What will next be in my mixer and on my shoulders? 


I mentioned in one of my previous posts that i've ordered 2 new pairs of sunglasses!! Well my first pair arrived today. Just in time for my concert on Saturday,lets hope the others arrive before my hols. 

Apologies for poor quality, had to rush,my dinner was waiting!


Last but not least i'd like everyone to be aware of all holidays sales, me and my mum popped into topshop yesterday to do our bit!! Asos's one is also pretty impressive.